Brands Without Borders 从具体的人出发,利用科学、创意并重的方法,释放品牌的商业、社会、文化潜能,帮助企业实现全方位突破,畅享全球市场的新机会与新可能,实现持续卓越的增长。
We unleash brand potential, aiding businesses for global breakthroughs.
无论行业,无论市场,企业实现长期成功的关键在于品牌建设。而在竞争激烈的海外市场中,中国出海企业面临的最重大挑战:如何打造品牌,赢得用户信任。 Brands Without Borders 在品牌行业深耕多年,我们将倾其所有帮助您建立您的品牌力,将中国品牌的价值、文化和精神主张有效地传递给目标市场的消费者。
Analyze trends, competition, and markets for strategic brand planning and development.
Insights & Analytics
Analyze trends, competition, markets, culture and consumers for strategic brand planning and development.
Brand Positioning
Establish a comprehensive branded visual system, including foundational elements and application designs.
品牌 VI 视觉设计与管理
VI Design & Mgmt
Crafting bilingual brand names to enhance brand recognition and impact across multiple markets.
对于意在全球的出海品牌而言,品牌本土化是在目标市场建立相关性与刺激在地增长的关键。最成功的品牌往往能在不同的市场之间做到“左右逢源”、“落地生根”。是否能做到在追求 全球化统一标准和根据本土需求灵活变通之间取得平衡,是判断一个企业是否能够实现可持续发展的重要标杆。
Localize brand and communication strategy for the world-bound brands, aligning both home and target markets.
Strategy Localization
Develop coherent, properly localized visual identity for world-bound brands based on existing assets.
Visual Localization
Create bilingual verbal system for brand in target markets with existing verbal assets.
Verbal Localization
Assist international brands with launch strategies for stable, long-term growth.
Activation & Mgmt
虽然社交媒体和电子商务大大降低了品牌营销、广告的门槛,但由于境内与境外截然不同的互联网生态,导致品牌在境外市场进行推广时依然困难重重。Brands Without Borders 团队在美国、英国、欧陆等世界主流市场均有多年的生活、工作经验和资源,将为您量身打造并执行符合当地社会政治文化、媒介习惯的营销方案。
Develop and produce cross-media ads to connect, influence, and inspire, as well as tell brand stories effectively.
Creative & Production
帮助品牌在各大海外社交媒体平台上管理品牌账号,在社交媒体、网站、媒体上发布独具价值的品牌内 容。
Manage brand accounts on global social media; publish valuable content to connect with the audience.
Content Marketing
Launch ad campaigns on social platforms to attract traffic, facilitate conversion and maximise return.
Paid Social & Seeding
协助出海品牌研究、联络适合品牌行业和调性的社媒达 人,并与他们建立合作关系,为品牌争取最好的合作方式和价格。
Connect with suitable influencers, negotiate best terms for world-bound brand collaborations.
Influencer Marketing
To Know.
We’ve seen too many businesses heedlessly spending precious resources on one campaign after another, hoping to “break into” a new market, without a clear understanding of the market, and more importantly, their consumers in that market, based on the trustworthy and meaningful intelligence.
At Brands Without Borders, we take great pride in our capabilities in research and analysis, which, we believe, should underpin all strategies and creatives.
To Express.
In the modern world, brands are living beings. They breath, talk, showcase, and engage like real people more than ever before. A brand is shaped by how they look, how they talk, and how they behave.
For us, a brand that wants to go global should do more than simply look good. It also needs to know how to look good. With the internet and social media, consumers will be able to tell if a brand is not being authentic, especially when a brand chooses an inappropriate method or time to embrace a particular cause.
Our creative solutions help brands to say what a brand wants to say in a proper and exciting way.
To Localize.
China elevated Starbucks’ positioning from a street-corner coffee shop to a premium brand, whereas Shein, who started as a wedding gown trader, ignited the North America market by adopting a Gen-Z profile.
We believe that for brands to drive businesses and organizations in a new market, they need to first and foremost discover who they are, and who they should be within that market. This decision will guide their every action going forward.
To Be Heard.
Brands mean nothing if no one sees them, hears about them, or talks about them. In a time where there are virtually endless media options in seemingly every market, brands need to become more picky in how they want to have their messages heard by the right people.
With our marketing experts living in China, the US, and the UK, we are well-versed in each specific market’s media landscape. Whether you want your campaign to be classic or cutting-edge, we are here for you to create structured marketing and communication plans to ensure your message gets heard. We execute every campaign, every placement, and every engagement with precision, prowess, and power.
Brands Without Borders provided invaluable training on the Chinese digital landscape and Chinese social media for our team. They were helpful, responsive and detail-oriented throughout our collaboration, and created a bespoke research project and training plan for multiple stakeholders. The insight they provided greatly improved our understanding and knowledge base, upskilling the whole team working with China.
Social Media Department
British Museum
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